
ModestlyBeauty and this blog is not affiliated with any of the companies, products or services mentioned on this website.

Any information provided 
for informational purposes only. The content constitutes the opinion of the author and should not be used as a replacement for advice by a trained professional. By accessing the site you are accepting that.

Review Policy
90% of the products reviewed on
ModestlyBeauty are purchased by me. However, the blog also accepts free products and/or services from companies and organizations for reviewing purposes. Reviews are done based on the author’s honest and personal experience with a product and aren’t influenced by third parties. All my reviews are honest and just because I get a product for free it doesn’t mean it will get a favourable review. Product reviews will include a note at the end with information on how the product was obtained.

Affiliate Links and Advertising 
ModestlyBeauty puts up banners advertisements of companies and brands. In addition, sometimes affiliate links are included in reviews and posts. I only add affiliate links for the products I mostly use or those products that I really like and own or would buy myself. If I don’t like a product, I simply won’t link to it.

Photo images
ModestlyBeauty uses images found on the web and believed to be in the public domain. We don’t claim to be the owner of such images. All visual content are copyrighted to their respectful owner. If you are the owner of an image and want it removed, please, email us and we will do so as soon as possible.